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Safety Construction Survey Preparation


The structural strength of the vessel should be good.

 Part of the deck or hull should not be rusted. Penetrations in the Water-tight Bulkheads were examined for satisfactory condition.

 If required, Thickness measurements should be carried out.

 Cargo Holds & Ballast Tanks examined internally for satisfactory condition.

 Water-tight doors are in good condition. Remote and local controls working properly. 

 Hatch Covers and Coamings examined for weather-tightness Satisfactory and operation of Hatch Covers should be carried out.

 Bilge pumping and drainage arrangements are in good condition & tried out.

 Approvals for Loading appliances and satisfactory operation of same.

 Emergency Towing arrangements(if required) Fore & Aft.

 Electrical equipment and its installation.

 Emergency sources of electrical power should be checked.

 Electric & electro-hydraulic steering gears. 

• Precaution against shock, fire & other hazards of electrical origin. 

• Fire protection arrangements, fixed & portable fire fighting equipment are well maintained & in good operational condition. 

• Manual/Automatic Fire Doors checked for satisfactory condition.

• Boilers & Machinery to be checked.

• Means of going astern.

• Propeller Shaft/Tail End Shaft Monitoring

• The boiler feed system is in good condition. 

• Steam Pipe systems in good condition.

• Air pressure systems are in good condition.

• Cooling water systems are in good condition.

• Fuel, lubricating, and other oil systems should be in adequate condition.

• Means of communications are in good condition and tried out with shore or other ship.

• Steering Gear in satisfactory conditions.

• Anchor Chain & Cables to be checked 

• Means of Escape are well maintained and marked, in good condition 

• Means of Stopping Machinery 

• Shutting off Fuel suction Pipes 

• First start arrangements tested for satisfactory condition. 

• Closing of Openings 

• Additionally for tankers:

  • Cargo Tank openings – gaskets, p/v valves, flame screens 
  • Portable instrument for measuring flammable vapors
  • Flame screens on vents 
  • Examination of cargo tank venting, purging, gas freeing & ventilation arrangements.
  • C.O.W., bunker, ballast & vent piping systems.
  • Compliance with requirements of safe access to tanker bows -IMO res 57(67)*.
  • Cargo Pump room inspection
  • External examination of the piping system
  • Pressure gauges on the cargo discharge lines & level indicators
  • All isolating valves & piping of the cargo tank & cargo pump room.

*Tanker constructed on or after 1 July 1998 shall be provided with the means to enable the crew to gain safe access to the bow even in severe weather conditions. For tankers constructed before 1 July 1998, such means of access shall be provided at the first scheduled dry-docking after 1 July 1998, but not later than 1 July 2001. Such means of access shall be approved by the Administration based on the guidelines developed by the Organization.

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